5 days ago
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Sit Ubu sit! Good dog...
This was Pam's solution to dog poo on your shoes...it made me laugh. But then you know me, I start really thinking about it. Poo in this doggie diaper would be just disgusting. They must sell super huge doggie butt wipes with these. I can't imagine having to clean poo off a dogs hairy butt after it obediently "sits" smushing the poo into it's fur.Here is something you may not have seen before. It is a scene from the box office flop that came and went unnoticed called "Alice in the Butchershop". It really was a big waste of time and was the reason Alice's career came to a screaching hault. I heard she tried to break into the singing scene too, but after this huge movie blunder noone would even listen to her demos. I heard she didn't even write her own stuff.