The Ambae island's Manaro Volcano, which has been shooting steam, gas and ash up to 1,500 meters (4,500 feet) into the air for more than a week is seen in this image made from television aired Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2005. Vanuatu officials assembled medical teams Wednesday to deal with a potential major emergency as the volcano blast out sulfur gas, volcanic ash and plumes of steam. Ambae, Vanuatu, is an hour's flight northeast from Port Vila and lies near the islands of Pentecost and Maewo, which could be used to help resettle people displaced by a major eruption.
The key point here being that these people have been watching this for more than a week. If they aren't preparing themselves for major disaster, other than just assembling medical teams, I am NOT sending them a freakin' DIME.
5 days ago