(Can anyone help me? What happened to the top part of my blog?)
some phtos to catch you up on how big the kids are doing.
Everett turned 1 on March 15th and Crofton is now 2. I can't believe how fast they are growing.
going to the park in the wagon!
A post wouldn't be a post from me unless I showed you some weird thing i saw somewhere. These crazy bingo dabbers were in a dollar store by my house. My friend Allan says it's not weird that they were in a dollar store at all. I dunno. I think its really weird to call bingo dabbers "oh shit". Maybe its just me.
two photos of crofton that I love.
So Rob left this morning for 17 days. He's travelling to Toronto. I guess that means I'll have some time to catch up on the world of blogging. I joined facebook (search for Cher Sherwood) a couple days ago. I'd love to catch up with you all through there too. It's a cool site. I am just figuring it all out though. I was chatting with a friend of mine I haven't seen in years this morning, Shelby. It was so awesome to get in touch with her.
Haven't done much of anything with my car lately. It's only getting warm enough lately to even be in the garage. I could use someone to come hang out with me in there and get me re-motivated again!
5 days ago