Here's a semi-recent photo of the boys and I. They are growing up so fast, it's crazy. I toss back and forth daily between 'man they are growing up too fast and holy they still live here?'
Sorry for my absence lately. I know I haven't really even been around your blogs, and I'm sure I have a ton of catching up to do. If you care about me at all, you'll keep your posts short and loaded with pictures! We have all been really sick. Hopefully we are nearing the end of it all. The stress in my life is taking a toll on my immune system, I think.
So, what can I post about when I can't concentrate on anything or think straight anymore?
I guess I'll whip out these bad boys and share a couple cool things I saw not too long ago at the mall.
Here's a really cool idea for a belt that I saw.
Now of course you know I wanted this, but I don't think I could pull the look off very well. I'm not exactly a belt buckle kinda gal.
But man that little symbol just fills me with happiness.
So, Mr.Shife's fake bastard embrio is growing like stink in my fake womb. I will take a fake photo sometime this week and show you how I'm just popping out. It really is quite unreal.