OK People, let me get the apology out of the way first. I am sorry. I am sorry that you all have had to wait so long for your results. I'm sorry my computer is so friggin' lazy. As I have said before, my harddrive is damaged and we really just need a new computer. But considering how limited my knowledge is of computers, this seems like an insurmountable task. Not to mention completely overwhelming. I have spent a great deal of time trying desperately to upload the photos that were sent in, but to no avail. I swear I honestly heard my computer laughing at me.
But, as they say, the show must go on. So without further adu, the winners are....
Design Goddess- now lets hear it for my number 1 fan! She not only submitted 2 entries, she neither googled or photoshopped! I wish so badly you could see the photos. Her first entry was awesome! And I agree fully. Completely distracting. It's of a guy in the back of pick-up truck who is eating his McDonald's that he ordered, paid for and picked up from where he was sitting...in the back of the pick up!!!!! And the second entry is probably the real winner! It's of this old man with a pimped-out Excursion....can't really tell he's old, but trust me, he's O-L-D! And the paint job is a teenagers wet dream. It is totally awesome and extremely distracting. I'd even go as far as to say he's a danger on the road because of the depth of the distraction! So.... let's hear it for DG!!!! (standing "o") Now originally I was going to let people decide what prize they choose, but I think in my number one fan's case, she deserves BOTH! So, DG, email me your address so I can mail you out an autographed photo of moi, and give me your cell # so you can start receiving your random text messages from me!!!! Sweet action!
The next winner is................ None other than T.Leach himself! I was so excited to get an entry from him and felt so honored to have him participate in my silly little contest.
His photo was an instant classic. I loved, too, that he chose a bicycle as his vehicle distraction of choice. The photo is so freaking funny, that trust me, when I figure out how to ever get it off Rob's cell phone (my cell phone is so old, it can't accept photos)I will for sure be posting it! At the risk of being politically incorrect, lets just say there is a not-so-slim lady taking a brand new bicycle out for a test drive...with a pink helmet on!! The cherry on top being her support system, which consisted of someone she could easily swap clothes with. Ahhh, hahaha, you will just have to take T.Leach's and my word for it. It's so freakin' funny and so utterly distracting, that it's only by the grace of God, I think, that no one was harmed in the taking of the photo. So, T.Leach, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Again, please email me your particulars and the prize of your dreams. Oh, I mean the prize of your choice.
Now, as i said, creativity, photoshopping, and stealing off the net was also permitted. And there were some really good entries. However, I just couldn't sleep right if I didn't award Mr.Shife a prize too. His entry, although not seen by him personally on the road, was awesome. It was of this fat guy (funny how I'm not as concerned about the political correctness here)in a PINK tracker who was maybe attempting to park, but looks more like he's trying to hold up a cement wall with his back bumper. It was a great entry and if you had been driving by and saw it, I guarentee it would have been a major driving distraction. So, congratulations to you too, Mr.Shife!!! You not only rocked this contest, you rock my world. Just simply email me your prize of choice and your info...and sit back and bask in all of your bragging rights!
Happy Fourth of July to all my American Friends! And again, congratulations! All 3 of you were winners in my black book even before this contest!
5 days ago