My computer bit the dust for good, but a laptop was given to me, so walla.... I'm back!!
Secondly, and I really hope this is the only time I have to say anything, but the little pissing contests that are going on here are one step away from being stopped for good. Seriously. I'm really irritated. Just go away. No one puts Mr.Shife in a corner. Oh no, wait, that's Baby, but still, PLEASE just go away. It's pissing me off and so effing stupid. So just stop. Like right now. That includes visiting or commenting here and emailing me. Even FW'd emails. I'm done. I actually thought I made that clear awhile ago. But I guess not.
ANYHOOZLE...On to cool things I've seen that I felt compelled to take a photo of.
Up first? That's right folks... Yoga toes. I'm not sure what to say about them. Part of me wants to try them, part of me wants to find the think tank behind the idea and crack their skulls together. But if I tried them, I'd want to try them in public. Like at a mall or something. Malls really piss my feet off, so I wonder if they'd be less inclinded to trip people if I wore them there.
It's coming up to that time of year where there are serious blood shortages. Go make someones life and donate a pint. Besides, it's the free way to find out your blood type, which I have been a bit obssessed over lately, but that will be for another post.
So, with the passing of my computer, I also lost blog addresses i had in a favorites folder. If you would like me to once again grace the pages of your blog, leave a comment so I can get to you.