So what's new with me you may be wondering. Well, since my last post, Rob and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. I turned
and had a wonderful birthday weekend.
OK, so on with the show.
if you are new to my blog you should know there is nothing important going on here ever.
like this.
i don't do the hot sauce thing. i really prefer my food plain, but if i was a hot sauce user, i'd be afraid of these products i think. however, on an advertising level, they are amusing.
i didn't buy this childrens' book, but i did enjoy looking at the pictures. pretty heavy for a kid, but if walt disney can take it upon himself to teach our children about death and loss, so can anyone.
is that blood squirting out of that dolls neck?
that is AWESOME!
I am sick and tired of my life. it is retarded. my house is retarded. the stuff in it is retarded. i have no connection to it and i'm going to sell it all and try a different approach on life. before i know it, 35
so what now?
SIMPLIFY. (that is the sign on the back of our campervan) If i don't start honouring my spirit and living the kind of simple life i want i will surely drive myself insane. I want something else out of life than bigger and better and more...feeling like my possessions own me instead of the other way around.
So, I'm done.
But I'm also motivated.
No one is going to show up at my doorstep and say, "hey Cher, I thought it was time I started going through all your crap and simplify your life for you." its not going to happen.
so my plan...
start looking at where we realistically want to live
go through every corner of this house and put stuff in keep/give away/sell/throw out piles.
sell our house and all our crap
buy some property
travel around in a van when we feel like it
live simply
love much
be happy and in touch with the people i charish and feel a strong connection to.
gonzo is still alive and kicking if anyone wonders
so i guess i'll wrap things up for now. thanks everyone for your emails and comments letting me know you think about me and miss me. it is nice to be missed.
oh, i almost forgot the weirdest update about me of all.
like a month ago i went to bed and everything was normal. when i woke up, i was completely confused as to how i woke up having
Dr. Seus's feet.
weird hey?