Hey everyone!! Remember me?????

Here's a picture of the clueless parents of "one" enjoying a cup of coffee out of the house about 4 days before labour....

Who's in the closet???


Goofing around.

Me in labour at the hospital just after I arrived there. Went into labour Tuesday around 6PM, 24 hours later, I went to the hospital. I stayed at home until I couldn't stand it anymore.

And before I even knew what was happening, I went into serious hard core labour and had Everett Hugh Sherwood at 10:43 PM Wednesday, March 15th. I pushed for less than 10 minutes! Compare that to the over 2 hours of pushing with Crofton, and I can safely say that I kicked labours ass.

My new little bundle of joy. He is such a good baby!! Loving him is easy!!

I finally got to go home on Friday! I couldn't wait to be in my own bed!

At home in my bed. We spent the first few days cuddling. It was really lovely.
So folks, I do appologize for my lack of blogging, but as you can see, I've been a little busy. We also sold our house and bought a new one and are moving in on Friday March 31st. I can't wait!!!!
I hope you all still remember me and check in from time to time. Thanks for all the emails and concern about where I've been. It is nice to be missed!!!